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Tegnap épp a Glasgow-i Apple storeban próbáltam elintézni, hogy a szutyok Airport Expresszemet legarizzak, amikor is elkezdett rezegni a telefonom..
Megjött a rotor hang is.
- Ki a fasz az?! - gondoltam és elkezdtem előkeresgélni a kabát, a kapucnis póló és a többi Északi Sarki túlélő felszerelés alól az iPhone 5 -ot...
- Huuupsz! Szám kijelzés... Hűha!
"Brisrtow European Operation" ( Aberdeen )
Kedves pakisztáni dialektussal csacsogó női hang kérdezi én vagyok-e?
- Ehem...
Közben a majomnak az Apps storban mondom, hogy kussoljon, ne beszeljen hozzam és hogy "Horgász ül!"
- Lenne-e e nekem jó egy telefon interview ma pl. 6.15 -kor a Chief pilottal, Captain M... a nevet nem értem.
- Ha nana, erre varok 21 napja 'des!
Hazarohantam. Közben emergency sms DFH-nak, mégis csak O a corp. Istenség, csak tudja milyen egy ilyen telefon interview...
A buszon le-briefel DFH mit mondjak majd és mit ne...
6.15 Papírforma nem jön be. Sima adat egyeztetés, néhány extra kérdéssel... ( voltam-e mar sitten, büntetve, kabszer, pia, légi baleset )
Tudok-e , akarok-e Aberdeenbe költözni?, stb.
Kb. 10 perc.
Na ezt most majd passzoljak a HR-nek, az megrágja és 1-2 .. néhány hét múlva megmondjak mi a pálya...
Ez ugye a Aberdeenben 4 lépés. Telefon interview - personal interview - szimulátor check - psycho teszt.
Tisztara mint a színművészetin... Hehe.
es ami hetföröl elmaradt...
Fast track to the Highland
On my way to Glasgow - Strength to survive
Forwards ever, backwards never!!! ( SOJA )
I said ride on the horse with tight boot and slave, hold the line, and never skid/sleep in the turn.
I have been in Hungary until last Sunday evening. There were really busy days, having been a lot of meetings, events, works, and funs. Were not too bad...
On Friday evening we ( Asin and me ) have had a really nice Gastro- puccs event. I am really proud to Asin, who has dropped more than 18 kgs.( fat :-) ) He has learned off everything about the diet and budybuilding, almost from the net.
There is a funny guy Mr. Drogs Bunny, operates budy.building.hu home page. First you may download the basic bible of diet, the book " Sarga kapszula ", where you can find all relevant information's in.
We cooked a nice chicken breast with home made sausages ( thanks for Zsocc made that with Richie ) , champions, and a side we made Greek salad with feta chees.
One week ago I promised to Monique I will teach her cooking Maglya rakas, a very special hungarian dessert. As we agreed the appointment, that was pointed after the woman's basketball match in Erd.
We have been attanding on this events weekly, as we became Erd VSE's fun. This new activity came from Farky's side, who purchased initially the yearly tickets. After all ET also obtained ticket, than Monique joined to the gathering group too. Finally I became the member of woman's handball fun group.
So, the plan was the cooking study will be after the women's hand ball play, so everybody should come down to my house and we cook. It was on Saturday evening..
Nobody knows except Asin on Friday's night, that I had a really serious time schedule violation among the cook study's time and the preliminary date time with Mrs. Coulman.
So many time in my life had happened, the time and the life has solved this kind of fuck'n issues. Right on Saturday morning I was hesitating how should I manage the dilemma, but soon received text from Mrs. Clm, she prefers Saturday's morning for a short meet with me. I was so happy, problem solved, everybody has got own promised schedule.
She asked me to bring the rest of our cooking. So, I grabbed the chicken and greek salad, took it, and has the food eaten with her. Haha. She was happy with that.
On the way to her I called the White House in Glasgow, and asked my apartment given me back. Margaret was really kind, after she has recognized me through the phone.
I had ticket from Budapest to London with Easyjet. I had a plan to visit UK CAA on Monday morning, and start again the license exchange process. The medical issue has already completed, just I have put it on hold, whilst the Hungarian CAA launch my last license.
Sunday evening the Transporter had delayed about 20-25 minutes. I really did not understand why. I questioned him, but he given me a very foggy answer, was better to relief any further discussion.
We had a massive delay to Gatwick. I ve been in London at about midnight. No shuttle to faulty tower hotel named Ibiz. I had to come down to South terminal from the North and had to catch local H3 bus. Midnight he? Was fine. half past 12 i had already checked in.
Everything is so fast, how the things going on. 6.00 am wake up. 7.30 take the shuttle.
Fuck'n new shuttle method are in ops, the driver denied to drop me at CAA. Another free public transport bus travel I had to have.
Check in. The man behind the desk at the CAA looks like a male hodge asked me an ID. Good. I gave him my passport.
He asked me to open at the photo side.. I did not understand. Why?
Is he blind, restricted to move his hand? No, simple lazy english idiot. OMG.
I had the number 3. I was really lucky with this serial.
Fortunately we - in the lobby waiting for service - as the victims of the bureaucracy had a kind woman for assist, only one who has been supporting us at the desk.
My issue was really complicated, but only one things were missing.. my Hungarian theoretical exams copy. Vow..
I said:
- Sorry, but that exam was in the last century, at about 1993-1994…?!
Finally any other paperworks were good. The highest moment of the morning, when another CAA staff came to me with a credit card reader, and asked me to pay 485.00,-GBP. Holly shit. Ohh yes, license exchange, adding type rating, and the inclusion of my instrument rating…Have a good day. Yes, I will…
On the other side are the Medical Group. Much much friendly guys are there, less bureaucracy, and much more flexibility. Not even the price of my medical exchange was only 75.00,-.
At 10.00 I was sitting on the bus took me to South Terminal.
10:30 I had ticket on Gatwick Express.
11.00 I was on Victoria Station, went down to underground.
11:15 I was on Euston railway station, buying a ticket on Virgin's highland express.
11:30 the train departed to Glasgow.
Fuck'n fast. Hopefully I arrive 4:30 to Glasgow Central.
Scotland again. Awaits me with sunny shining, blue sky as well.
I love Scotland. Really.
Standby for the white smoke from Aberdeen…
27 days from my exam, still waiting.
Too long ?, don't think so. Just keep moving, only one direction I could bring self out there…
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